Friday, August 15, 2008

They call me akabo unten-shu!*

Josh and I got our Japanese driver licenses today! The road test guy was really funny - every 30 seconds or so he would say "Don't hit! Don't hit!" and point to the curb, a tree, a pedestrian...even if it was ten meters or more away. I think I don't yet understand Japanese humor, because when I pointed to a stop sign and said "Should I hit?" (ba dum bum), he didn't crack a smile.

Somehow I passed anyway. We test drove a jumbo matchbox that was masquerading as a car in the on-base sale lot. It's a Mitsubishi Minica; a Japanese keicar with four doors, four seats, and about an inch and a half of luggage space.

It has a great turning radius though, and we don't need anything big. It's in the running! We're looking at another car on Sunday morning - wish us luck!

*Literal translation: baby driver.

1 comment:

clembo said...

You're so funny! Congrats on the license...
Love you.