Thursday, March 12, 2009

February wayback #1: Asheville

After much hand-wringing and stress over flying space available, I actually arrived in South Carolina after just one attempt, on February fifth, after about thirty hours of travel. I spent most of that first week relaxing and recovering with my parents and the dogs (and the cats, both of whom are crazy and one of whom lulled me into a false sense of security before attacking my wrist. NO POST FOR THE CATS.) The first day that we were all home and I felt up to anything, we decided to drive to Asheville, North Carolina for lunch and window shopping.

Except that it wasn't window shopping because I bought a million things, but whatever. Since it turns out I'm a giant baby who gets nauseous even on perfectly straight roads, much less windy mountainy ones, I drove. I drove and managed to almost get hit by a car, run into a guardrail, and drive on the wrong side of the street.

Did I mention I was a little discombobulated last month?

Everyone survived and I came back with some really great finds. Once I figure out where they go in my house I'll have pictures, but for now let me just say that there's a tree of life bedspread in the closet, a weeping buddha statuette on my dresser and some outstanding Nepalese Lumbini incense burning in the entryway.

Oh, and we did get that lunch, even though my parents' favorite spot was closed. We found a place with Turkish food, YUM. Falafel is one of those things that I just can't get right, even with Bertha, but this place did not disappoint.I drove home too, without incident mostly, and we returned after dark to some disapproving puppies and one very sweet crazy cat, and then the other one. I don't miss the other one.


Bethanyivy said...

I can't wait to see your new finds. That falafel looks yummy. What exactly is Falafel?

Those are the cutest puppies. I think I want one of those.

EmilySullins said...

OH, falafel is so good! I wish I didn't stink at making it so I could make you the picture it's the little nuggets on the right. They're deep-fried balls of ground chickpeas, flour, cumin, garlic, lemon, and other spices, served with tahini sauce and hummus. The chickpeas make it high protein, and the frying makes it tasty...mmm...

There was a Middle Eastern cafe in RI that Josh and I went to constantly for the falafel wraps. I miss it!

Oh, and you DO want a Cavalier. They're the best!