1. Bike! Okay, this one isn't really me so much, although I do ride my bike to the vegetable stand once a week or so. But Josh (remember Josh?) rides his bike to and from work every day, about five miles round trip, rain or shine. He is great about it, and really likes the bike commute. 10 points to Mr. Takes Tokyo!
2. The lights.
3. The laundry. I'm really proud about this one, though I recognize it's only possible because I'm not working at the moment. We have a cold-only washing machine, and I won't lie, I miss the hot water terribly. But once the clothes are clean, they go outside on a sunny day:
3. Japanese heating. Okay, it sucks a LOT that our house (like most in Japan) isn't insulated. And we haven't even seen the coldest month yet; it's typically February. But there is no central heat in Japan, so we use these little guys instead.
4. Bed heater! You've got to get one of these.
5. Water heater. This, like so many of the others, is a function of our Japanese home. We have a small wall unit instant water heater in the kitchen - you turn on the hot water and a little gas flame appears behind a heatproof window, and the FIRE heats the water. No big tank kept hot all the time. The downstairs hot water works the same way, only we can't see the big flame. But we do turn off the gas to the big one whenever it's not in use.
6. Grocery bags. You know, this is one of those things that seemed like a huge pain until I got in the habit, but now any other way seems like lunacy. For real: why on earth do we use dozens of new, sterile, petroleum-based plastic bags every week for carrying groceries?! Can anyone explain it? I still slip up sometimes and forget to bring my totes, but then I feel wasteful and perplexed at the double bags, the mostly empty bags...ugh. Anyway, most times my grocery haul comes home in a bunch of strong canvas and cotton bags. And I only use the plastic produce bags for veggies which are really small (green beans), really wet (fresh herbs) or meant to be eaten raw with peel.
7. Miscellaneous. There are so many little things that I try to do to even out my impact on the world, tiny little efforts that I hope will add up like buying the local Japanese produce whenever possible, recycling, finding uses for worn out clothes, containers, and the like, and giving lightweight, easy to ship gifts. Oh! And I think buying and cooking my own beans counts, because it uses less fuel to ship dry beans than cans.
I'm sure you have tons of things to add to the list - please do!
I think my only big enviro brag would be natural cleaning products rather than all those nasty chemicals. And, we reuse the spray bottles and use concentrated stuff so we don't waste as much plastic. Thanks all to Melaleuca.
Well, now that I've been invited to brag [settles in for a long spell]...
Solar panels. We have a rooftop PV system that has cut our bills by 40 percent and allows us to feed excess power into the grid during the summer.
Veggie garden. It's not as big as I'd like, but homegrown produce requires no truck fuel, just a walk across the yard.
Having an insanely thorough energy audit and upgrade of our thirty-year-old home--the city sponsors these and it's made a big difference.
Having our pets make our fertilizer. No, not the dogs, But the chicken, fish, parakeet and rabbit waste all goes into the garden beds or the compost pile.
I still feel bad about using the dryer, though. That Japanese drying rack in the photo is too cute.
Redneck Mother wins! I was so impressed and inspired by the solar panel post two years ago - and I guess I've been lurking at her blog that long! Read it yourself here: http://redneckmother.blogspot.com/2006/05/were-on.html
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