Sunday, August 31, 2008

Ie? IE!

Ladies and gentlemen, we have progress on the house! It's the first day of the rest of our lives.

We visited the townhouse this afternoon for a final walkthrough, and we liked what we saw. There are four bedrooms (!), two tatami and two with wood floors. The back yard is a really pretty garden with little trees, and there is a courtyard in the middle of the downstairs with dark stones for ground covering. The kitchen is decent sized for Japan, with room for an American oven (!!) and good-size refrigerator.

The agents are doing some final cleaning and gardening, and we've signed the first paperwork, hooray!!! We should be able to move in within ten days. Whee hoo!

By the way, ie (ee-eh) means house in Japanese. Iie (eeee-eh) means no. This was a discouraging fact until recently. :)


clembo said...

Wheehoo! SUCH good news. Did you take more pictures? Would love to see inside.
Love you! You are such a good writer.

Melanie said...

Wow, Em!!
Yeah! I can't wait for move-in day for you. So awesome. I am so bummed I missed your call tonight, we were at a friend's house and since the number was unavailable, I didn't answer!!! Bad Mel. I wasn't thinking it could be you. So from now on I am going to answer ALL unavailable and private calls. Sorry. Hope to talk soon. Could skype tomorrow, 5pm here? Ok, love you, so happy about the house. Talk to you soon.