Monday, August 25, 2008

No noose is good noose!

NEWS, on the other hand, would be welcome.

The good news is that the renovations on the house we want have been completed. The bad news is that there are about a week's worth of inspections yet required before we can take a final tour and decide whether to rent the place. So we are still in a holding pattern, at least until Friday.

In order to stay sane, I've decided to read a LOT. I've just started Out of Africa by Isak Dinesen. Anybody read it? I've seen the movie, years ago.

Oh and hey, Happy Birthday, bro! I wish I could be there to toast many happy returns.

1 comment:

clembo said...

Haven't read any of Isak Dinesan. Will you do a book report when you're done? Or, watch the movie again AFTER you've read the book and do a compare and contrast?