Well, it's happened: not the six months between posts, that's happened for sure, but more importantly I am PREGNANT! Nearly five months along now, healthy and feeling great, after a very difficult journey and a lot of tears along the way.
The feeling is surreal. I was in denial for several weeks, then terrified for much of the first trimester that something would go wrong. Sometime in week five, we had our first ultrasound and saw the miniscule little heart beating, and I fell in love more deeply than I can possibly describe, and ever since we've reached the second trimester that love just keeps growing. Along with my belly!I'm gaining weight slowly and really enjoying this belly, leading the way into the world for me.
It's not all great - the one hour commute to work is much more trying now that I'm tired all the time, I've had a little nausea and some headaches, and Josh is having to do a lot more chores around the house. Our other baby, Charlie, is still getting lots of attention, especially since I spend so much time on the sofa and in bed!
I'm way out of the habit of writing, but I'm hoping to bring this blog back now that we've got an expanding family to share. Big things are afoot - and I hope next time I write, I'll be able to tell you about the first kicks!